Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Your Style Army... LAUNCHED!

Lauri & Mary (Co-Owners)
The Army

Sooooo remember when I said I was working for a stylist as an assistant...

Her name is Mary G. Kinney, she has partnered with Lauri Levenfeld to launch Style Army.
Style Army is a brand brigade that helps companies create an identity through branding.
S|A digs deep into the core of a company to find proper tac-ticks to fight a fashion war. 

...AND I am part of the army!!!!
I am so excited and blessed to have the opportunity to work with such an amazing group of creative people!
Make sure to visit the site to learn more.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there! Can't find any way to contact you other than goes:

    After meeting via Mary I thought you might be a good fit for my "Closet Case" series where I take a look at the wardrobes of some of Sacramento's most fashionable ladies and gents. Take a look at the attached link and let me know if you're interested in being featured. Basically, it entails answering a series of questions (via email) and meeting me at your home for a quick photo shoot (usually about 45 minutes). Let me know what you think.

    Hope you're having a lovely day!

    bowsandsparrows (at) gmail (dot) com
